Sunday, October 21, 2012

family pictures?

getting a photo of my children together is very hard.  its even harder when their dad is not there to make everyone laugh while i snap the picture.  we went to mt timpanogos on monday night to try to get some family shots.  jackson thought is was great fun, until he realized i would not let him go running down the steep incline and into the rushing river full of rocks.  so this is him telling me how happy he is about having to sit and take a picture.  needless to say, i was not successful in getting  good picture of all of them together. but we did get some other good shots and we had a good time and ice cream when we got home.


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Sunday, October 14, 2012

mom and dad's house 3 months later

its impossible to see how much work has been done here so far, but believe me when i say its been
A LOT!!!!
i took these the day the carpet was going in (oct 10).
the kitchen and bath haven't been started yet.
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Jackson Hour

we often have what i like to think of as the 'jackson hour'.  we just watch him and play and laugh.  this night he was having a blast jumping over the kids. he makes us laugh so much. so grateful he is here.

City Creek

we went the new city creek mall in salt lake city a few weeks ago.  
the coolest part were these fountains and a little 'creek' running through the outdoor mall. 

Ellen's 18th

beautiful girl! excuse me, i mean adult! 
she got a snuggie...her words 'this is the best gift ever!'
with mikha

he's trying to hatch the watermelon, i guess

Genevieve is 10!!!

...and he's out!!!

This boy goes so hard all day.  I love seeing him sleep.  
He often falls asleep with a ball, a gun, or a 'hiyahh' (jackson for any stick that works as a sword).

First Day of School 2012

Ethan 9th Grade

Abigail 7th Grade

Genevieve 5th Grade

Anniversary Love

Michael sent me these for our anniversary on August 14th.  They were a beautiful reminder that he loves me...not that i need to be reminded.  that is something i will always know.  i miss him SO much! but i'm so grateful for the life we have made together...even if we can be together at this moment.

Temple Square Trip

kim, sarah, julie and i took all of the kids to temple square before school started.  mom kept jackson for me, as he is not one to sit in the stroller or not run off.  emma stegeman and taylor jackson went with ellen. and dad walked over from work to have a picnic with us.